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  • 聯(lián)系人:濟(jì)南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>公司新聞濟(jì)南鐵藝大門:鐵藝大門有哪些優(yōu)缺點(diǎn) 如何正確保養(yǎng)鐵藝門

濟(jì)南鐵藝大門:鐵藝大門有哪些優(yōu)缺點(diǎn) 如何正確保養(yǎng)鐵藝門

來源:http://www.c6271.cn 日期:2024-08-28 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):1


  Many villas use iron material for their doors, which come in a variety of styles and blends the charm of Chinese and Western classical styles. They are elegant yet modern, with a strong sense of individuality. But there are also disadvantages such as poor firmness and difficult maintenance in the later stage. Although wrought iron doors have good strength, they still need maintenance. We can maintain wrought iron doors by avoiding bumps, staying away from acid and alkali, regularly removing dust, isolating moisture, and eliminating rust. Let's take a look together.



  What are the advantages and disadvantages of wrought iron gates


  1、 Advantages


  1. There are various types of wrought iron doors, which can not only be used for door decoration, but also in bedrooms, living rooms, and dining rooms to create different artistic atmospheres and make home styles more diverse and modern.


  2. The style of wrought iron doors is innovative, blending the charm of Chinese and Western classical styles, elegant yet modern, and highly personalized. The wrought iron gate itself has an indescribable charm. It is not only a display of personal emotions, but also a reminiscence of history and a reverence for exoticism. 3. Iron doors are made of high-quality thin-walled carbon steel stainless steel pipes or aluminum metal pipes with a thickness of 1 to 1.2 millimeters. They have good ductility and can be designed according to the designer's artistic craftsmanship, fully utilizing imagination.


  4. The reason why iron doors can occupy a place in architecture and decoration is that iron itself has good strength, strong wind resistance, aging resistance and pest resistance, which is incomparable to other materials.


  2、 Disadvantages


  1. Poor firmness, iron doors cast with pig iron are prone to rust and fracture.


  2. The post maintenance of wrought iron doors is more complicated, and the price is much higher compared to ordinary anti-theft doors


  3. The production process of wrought iron doors is complex. Generally, wrought iron products are made of ordinary square or flat pipes. However, wrought iron doors often require higher standards, such as surface polishing and hot-dip galvanizing.


  How to properly maintain wrought iron doors


  1、 Avoid collision


  This is the first thing to pay attention to after purchasing an wrought iron door. During the transportation process, wrought iron doors should be handled with care and placed in a place where hard objects do not frequently come into contact. Once the place is selected, it should not be frequently changed. The wall on which wrought iron doors are installed should also be kept flat, so that the installation of wrought iron doors is stable and solid. If it is unstable, it will cause slight deformation over time, affecting the service life of wrought iron doors. 2、 Stay away from acidity and alkalinity


  Acid and alkali that have a corrosive effect on wrought iron doors are the "number one killer" of wrought iron doors. If they accidentally come into contact with wrought iron doors, they should be immediately rinsed with clean water and wiped dry with a dry cotton cloth.


  3、 Regular dust removal


  Iron doors are used outdoors, and the outdoor environment is often dusty. Over time, a lot of dust will fall on the door, which will affect its color and damage its protective film. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly wipe the dust on the door with a soft cotton cloth. It is best to use a fine soft wool brush to remove dust from the depressions and relief patterns on wrought iron doors.


  4、 Isolate moisture


  Iron doors should be installed in a well ventilated area. Moisture can cause premature rusting of the metal and peeling of the chrome plating, which can affect the use of the door. If encountering heavy fog weather, use a dry cotton cloth to wipe the water droplets on the iron work. If it rains, the water droplets should be wiped dry in a timely manner after the rain stops.


  5、 Eliminate rust stains


  If the wrought iron gate is rusted, do not use sandpaper to polish it on your own. For areas with small and shallow rust stains, cotton yarn dipped in engine oil can be applied to the rust area. After a while, wipe with a cloth to eliminate the rust stains. If the rust has expanded and become heavier, relevant technicians should be invited to repair it.

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This article is a friendly contribution from Jinan Yanxiang Iron Art Products Co., Ltd. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.c6271.cn/: Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned

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