
行業(yè)動態(tài) dongnews
企業(yè)案例 case


  • 聯(lián)系人:濟南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
  • 手機:15953126901
  • 電話:18615254757
  • 郵箱:785385551@qq.com
  • 地址:濟南市天橋區(qū)歷山北路黃臺不銹鋼市場3區(qū)317
當(dāng)前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>行業(yè)動態(tài)大家知道濟南鐵藝護欄在運輸時應(yīng)該注意什么嗎?


來源:http://www.c6271.cn 日期:2019-07-01 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):51
  Iron fence is a kind of iron wire mesh, welded together, iron fence community, villas, municipal, park, Ancheng fence is a very good manufacturer of fences, fences are sold everywhere to factory production, but because of the long distance in many areas, worried about long-term transport damage, affecting customer use, we also add unnecessary troubles in transportation, so what should we pay attention to? What are some considerations?
  Do you know what Jinan Iron Fence should pay attention to in transportation?
  First of all, when the quantity of goods is large, communicate with customers in advance, good charter delivery, not only avoids damage on the way, but also saves time.
  2. Regular logistics companies have strict standards in the process of loading, unloading and transportation, but it can not be avoided. Corrosion treatment of some fence nets will be damaged. If necessary, they should communicate with customers in advance and take remedial measures, such as painting, plastics and so on.
  Third, in the course of transportation, we must remember to prevent cars, so as not to bring danger to products and drivers.
  The above is the related content of Jinan Iron Fence Factory. For more information, please visit our website: http://www.c6271.cn.
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