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  • 聯(lián)系人:濟(jì)南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>行業(yè)動態(tài)濟(jì)南鐵藝大門的優(yōu)缺點


來源:http://www.c6271.cn 日期:2024-09-21 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):1


  Iron gates, also known as wrought iron gates, have a long history and have been widely used by us from ancient times to the present day. Iron gates appeared during the prevalence of Baroque architectural style in the early 17th century, accompanying the development of European architectural decoration art. They have a quaint, elegant, and rough artistic style, while their colors and patterns are also full of artistic sense. Iron doors have good strength, wind resistance and aging resistance, which is incomparable to other materials. Next, let's take a look at the encyclopedia of Iron Gate with the editor.0117e655f9-9c9b-4822-8dfe-10c27fa22eb6

  1 鐵藝大門簡介

  Introduction to Iron Gate 1

  鐵門又可稱為“鐵藝大門”、“庭院門”,鐵藝材料和工藝的發(fā)展有2000多年的發(fā)展過程。 鐵藝大門藝術(shù),也有著悠久的歷史。的鐵藝大門,給人以厚重、粗獷、結(jié)實耐用、古樸莊嚴(yán)的感覺,擁有鐵藝大門,不僅是個人某種情結(jié)的張揚(yáng),更是對歷史的追憶,對異國情調(diào)的崇尚。鐵藝門可根據(jù)客戶需求進(jìn)行熱浸鍍鋅防銹處理,還可結(jié)合產(chǎn)品的實用性和藝術(shù)性精雕細(xì)琢,使每一件產(chǎn)品都尊貴不凡。2 鐵藝大門優(yōu)缺點一、優(yōu)點

  Iron gates, also known as "wrought iron gates" or "courtyard gates", have a development process of over 2000 years in terms of wrought iron materials and craftsmanship. Iron gate art also has a long history. High quality wrought iron gates give people a sense of heaviness, roughness, durability, antiquity, and solemnity. Having wrought iron gates is not only a display of personal emotions, but also a reminiscence of history and a reverence for exoticism. Iron doors can be hot-dip galvanized and rust proofed according to customer needs, and can also be finely crafted based on the practicality and artistry of the product, making each product noble and extraordinary. 2. Advantages and disadvantages of wrought iron gates. 1. Advantages


  1. There are various types of wrought iron doors, which can not only be used for door decoration, but also in bedrooms, living rooms, and dining rooms to create different artistic atmospheres and make home styles more diverse and modern.


  2. The style of wrought iron doors is innovative, blending the charm of Chinese and Western classical styles, elegant yet modern, and highly personalized. The wrought iron gate itself has an indescribable charm. It is not only a display of personal emotions, but also a reminiscence of history and a reverence for exoticism.


  3. Iron doors are made of high-quality thin-walled carbon steel stainless steel pipes or aluminum metal pipes with a thickness of 1 to 1.2 millimeters. They have good ductility and can be designed according to the designer's artistic craftsmanship, fully utilizing imagination.


  4. The reason why iron doors can occupy a place in architecture and decoration is that iron itself has good strength, wind resistance, aging resistance and pest resistance, which is incomparable to other materials.


  2、 Disadvantages


  1. Poor firmness, iron doors cast with pig iron are prone to rust and fracture.


  2. The post maintenance of wrought iron doors is more complicated, and the price is much higher compared to ordinary anti-theft doors


  3. The production process of wrought iron doors is complex. Generally, wrought iron products are made of ordinary square or flat pipes. However, wrought iron doors often require higher standards, such as surface polishing and hot-dip galvanizing.

  3 鐵藝大門尺寸

  3 Dimensions of wrought iron gates


  At present, there are no conventional or fixed specifications for wrought iron gates, and they need to be customized according to the on-site conditions of the construction site. The size mainly depends on the width and height of the wrought iron gate. The width of the gate is about 4 meters, and the space between the two gates is usually reserved by 5 millimeters at the bottom and 10 millimeters at the top. For doors with a width of over 4 meters, reserve 10 millimeters below and 15 millimeters above.


  The size of wrought iron gates has a certain proportion, but in order to achieve a beautiful and stable appearance, good design is necessary. The most common size in daily life is 5 to 6 meters, with an additional two meters of pedestrian walkway.

  4 防盜鐵門選購指南1、看材質(zhì)

  4. Anti theft iron door selection guide 1. Check the material


  Qualified anti-theft iron doors must be made of thick iron pipes, while low-quality anti-theft doors are made of thin iron pipes. Thick iron pipes make a tinkling sound when struck with hard objects, while thin iron pipes make a muffled sound when shelled. In addition, qualified anti-theft doors are coated with anti rust paint on the bottom layer, while inferior anti-theft doors only have one layer of paint painted on the surface. When inspecting, simply scratch the bottom of the anti-theft door with a hard object to see if there is red anti rust paint inside.


  2. Look at the door lock


  If the size of the iron plate is large enough and sealed to the door edge, the lock tongue cannot be seen, and the door cannot be pried, it indicates that the door lock is safe. On the contrary, it indicates that the door lock is not properly installed.


  3. Watch welding


  Welding should be tight and reliable, especially the nuts that fix the door frame and door hinge. Whether to add sealed welding or not, those with sealed welding are more firm.


  4. Look at the iron pipe


  The spacing between iron pipes should be within 10 centimeters. If the spacing between iron pipes is too large, it will not have anti-theft effect. Most iron gates are made of hollow pipes as raw materials, and some merchants use too thin pipes to save costs, which can easily rust and corrode, posing safety issues. It is recommended that everyone choose 0.8-1.2cm as appropriate, and pay attention to rust prevention treatment on the material.


  5. Look at the brand


  The product quality of big brands is often guaranteed, with good after-sales service, mature production technology, reasonable price positioning, and strict national supervision. Consumers can choose suitable anti-theft iron doors according to their actual needs. When consumers sign contracts with merchants, it is best to agree on material and after-sales terms to prevent substandard products from being passed off as good during the later stages of construction.

  本文由  濟(jì)南鐵藝大門 友情奉獻(xiàn).更多有關(guān)的知識請點擊    http://www.c6271.cn/  真誠的態(tài)度.為您提供為的服務(wù).更多有關(guān)的知識我們將會陸續(xù)向大家奉獻(xiàn).敬請期待.

  This article is a friendly contribution from Jinan Iron Art Gate. For more related knowledge, please click http://www.c6271.cn/ Sincere attitude. We provide you with comprehensive services. We will gradually contribute more relevant knowledge to everyone. Please stay tuned

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