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  • 聯(lián)系人:濟(jì)南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
  • 手機(jī):15953126901
  • 電話:18615254757
  • 郵箱:785385551@qq.com
  • 地址:濟(jì)南市天橋區(qū)歷山北路黃臺不銹鋼市場3區(qū)317
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來源:http://www.c6271.cn 日期:2021-05-25 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):12
Nowadays, Jinan Tieyi guardrail is popular in the market. More and more consumers choose it. How much do you know about it? Do you know what points it should know during construction? Next, Tieyi guardrail manufacturers take you to the following to understand it, hope to help you.
There are many details that need to be paid attention to when installing the guardrail. Before the construction, the designer should repeatedly study the contents of the drawings to ensure that they are fully mastered and understood. The embedding position of various pipelines should be very accurate. Attention should be paid to some actions with greater force in the construction process. The constructor should pay attention not to damage the underground facilities, and pay attention to the strength, It can't be too strong to cause danger.
1. The removed and to be installed guardrails shall be stacked on the spare road.
2. Management, strengthen the quality and safety management; Strict labor discipline; Strict plan management.
3. Warning signs shall be provided for construction personnel and construction sections, and safety isolation area shall be set.
4. In the early stage, to determine the quantities of Jinan Tieyi guardrail and formulate a scientific and reasonable construction scheme, we should carefully study the construction drawings and construction site.
5. Avoid peak traffic flow or local traffic control.
6、人員方面,通過新老結(jié)合的人 員 安 排理念,合理的安排施工人數(shù),技術(shù)工帶普工。
6. Personnel, through the combination of new and old personnel arrangement concept, reasonable arrangement of the number of construction workers, technical workers with general workers.
7. On site, strengthen safety, civilized construction management; Keep the site clean and the traffic unobstructed.
8. The road surface shall be basically flat and equipped with short distance transport vehicles to transport goods.
9. In terms of materials, we provide qualified products with proper site management, reasonable materials and timely transportation.
The above is the iron guardrail manufacturers finishing Jinan iron guardrail in the construction should understand the relevant content, we are clear? I believe you will have a deeper understanding after reading these contents. I hope these contents can help you. If you want to know more details, you can pay more attention to the website: http://www.c6271.cn
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