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  • 聯(lián)系人:濟(jì)南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
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來源:http://www.c6271.cn 日期:2023-07-31 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):6
Aluminum art doors can be mass-produced, with key decorative components made of sand casting and die-casting, without the need for hot-dip galvanizing processing, while ensuring effectiveness and reducing costs. Aluminum gives the impression of not rusting and high quality. When we choose aluminum art doors, it will greatly enhance the visual beauty, making our courtyard more attractive as a whole.
Aluminum doors have the function of blocking vision
For example, wood Sliding door or glass Sliding door have different degrees of occlusion of light, so their different materials determine their different transparency. However, due to different locations of aluminum doors, the requirements for their functions are also different. Generally, large spaces are divided into small spaces. In addition to the material of Sliding door, daylighting in the space should also be considered, Different functional areas have different requirements for transparency. If the requirements for lighting are higher, glass Sliding door with good transparency can be used for separation. That is to say, when choosing our aluminum art door, it also depends on the functional division between the balcony and which areas.
Pulley for aluminum door
作為很重要的五金件之一,它的質(zhì)量和耐用程度決定著推拉門的使用壽命。質(zhì)量比較好一些的滑輪,中 心采用的是精制的滾珠軸承,其材質(zhì)又分為鐵、不銹鋼和NRS型,承重耐用的效果也依次增強(qiáng),外表包有改性的PPS材料,和鋁合金相比要更加堅(jiān)硬一些,易耐磨抗壓。質(zhì)量比較低劣的滑輪一般在外部采用普通的工程塑料,比較容易碎裂,中 心幾乎是未采用軸承,只靠涂抹的潤(rùn)滑油,然后通過機(jī)械摩擦來達(dá)到滑動(dòng)效果,這樣很容易沾染灰塵,而且一旦油脂干燥,就會(huì)出現(xiàn)阻塞、無法滑動(dòng)的現(xiàn)象,當(dāng)然,也有采用普通軸承的滑輪,但是因?yàn)樽龉さ木露炔粔?,鋁藝門在推拉的時(shí)候會(huì)很沉,需要很用力。
As one of the most important hardware, its quality and durability determine the service life of Sliding door. The pulley with better quality uses refined ball bearings in the center, which are divided into iron, stainless steel, and NRS types. Its load-bearing and durable effects are also enhanced in turn. The surface is coated with modified PPS material, which is harder than aluminum alloy and is easy to wear and resist pressure. Pulleys with relatively poor quality are generally made of ordinary engineering plastic on the outside, which is prone to breakage. The center is almost without bearings and only relies on the lubricating oil applied, which is then mechanically rubbed to achieve sliding effect. This can easily become contaminated with dust, and once the grease dries, it will become blocked and unable to slide. Of course, there are also pulleys with ordinary bearings, but due to insufficient precision in workmanship, Aluminum doors can be very heavy when pushed and pulled, requiring a lot of force.
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