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  • 聯(lián)系人:濟南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
  • 手機:15953126901
  • 電話:18615254757
  • 郵箱:785385551@qq.com
  • 地址:濟南市天橋區(qū)歷山北路黃臺不銹鋼市場3區(qū)317
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來源:http://www.c6271.cn 日期:2019-12-12 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):74
Iron gate is a kind of gate type that is deeply loved by everyone. It is beautiful and practical. When we use it, we will all face the difficult problem of cleaning. How to deal with its surface? , please Chongqing zinc steel traffic guardrail manufacturers to explain to us below!
一、焊渣 鐵藝大門的焊接部位較多,必須認真每個焊接部位的焊渣。先用板銼或扁鐵敲打除渣,然后用磨光機和砂布打磨焊縫,使其平滑。對飛濺到其他部位的焊渣也要順勢干凈。
One, remove welding slag iron gate welding parts more, must carefully remove the welding slag of each welding part. First use a file or flat iron to knock off slag, and then use a polishing machine and emery cloth to polish the weld to make it smooth. Welding slag splashed on other parts should also be removed conveniently.
二、涂抹原子灰 用原子灰加固化劑(比例50:1)攪拌均勻,涂抹在焊接部位.處理焊縫缺陷
2. daub putty with putty and curing agent (ratio: 50:1) and mix evenly, daub it on the welding position, and treat the weld defects.、
三、打磨原子灰 干透后,用磨光機和砂布打磨大門的各個組件,尤其是涂抹原子灰的部位更要磨光。
3. After the putty is completely dried, polish all components of the gate with a polishing machine and emery cloth, especially the parts smeared with putty.
四、噴漆 噴漆前,用濕布擦凈大門的各個部位,不能留有灰塵等。一道噴防銹漆,漆膜干透后噴第二道黑漆,更后噴一道清漆。注意不能有漏噴部位,也不能產生流掛等缺陷。個別細微處可用刷子刷涂補漆。
Four, paint spray paint, wipe all parts of the door with a wet cloth, can't leave dust, etc. The first coat of antirust paint is sprayed, the second coat of black paint is sprayed after the paint film is completely dried, and finally a coat of varnish is sprayed. Be careful not to have any leaking parts or sagging defects. Brush to make up the paint on individual fine points.

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