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來源:http://www.c6271.cn 日期:2023-03-11 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):4
Iron guardrails are generally installed outdoors, so the surface of iron guardrails is generally coated with a layer of protective paint. This is more suitable for harsh environments such as the sun and rain. When choosing Jinan Iron Art Guardrail, you must carefully check whether its surface is smooth or not, because there are scratches on the Buddha.
The outdoor fitness equipment should be kept dry and installed in ventilated and non-scratch places, which can effectively prevent rust on the iron fence.
When there is dust on the surface of the iron fence, you should brush along the gap with a soft brush, and then wipe with a wet soft cloth to avoid scratching the surface with a brush. Because the surface paint layer of the iron fence plays a protective role, which can isolate the oxidation of iron and oxygen in the air, causing rust.
The dust on the surface of the iron fence should be removed regularly. The cloth made of pure cotton should be used, dipped with mild detergent, and quietly wiped. For the dust at the depression, use a soft wool brush to brush it off along the gap.
Place the handrail in the center where other hard objects do not often meet, try to prevent the impact of external forces, and do not use hard materials to hit and knock, which will cause the paint layer to shell out and the chrome coating to be scattered.
In order to avoid metal rust, you can regularly use cotton cloth dipped with a small amount of anti-rust oil or sewing machine oil to wipe the surface part, and insist that the iron fence is as bright as new. Come to our website for more relevant content http://www.c6271.cn Ask!
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