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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè) > 新聞資訊>行業(yè)動(dòng)態(tài)裝了鐵藝大門(mén)的人如何對(duì)其進(jìn)行保養(yǎng)


來(lái)源:http://www.c6271.cn 日期:2022-08-23 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):7
In home decoration, Jinan Tieyi gate is an indispensable decoration material. The iron gate can give people a fashionable and classical atmosphere and a sense of security. How much do you know about the classification of iron gate? In addition, how do the people who install the iron gate maintain the iron gate? Today, I will introduce the relevant knowledge to you. Next, I will follow you to have a look.
1. Basic classification of iron gate classification
Cast iron is a kind of cast iron with rough surface.
Forging and forging iron is made of special iron materials.
2. Classification of iron gate: from structure
(1) Railing transparent type
Railings transparent iron gate: the main method is to use large square tubes as the frame of the gate,? Then use iron fittings to directly splice and inlay in the frame. The performance of this iron gate tends to be more beautiful, and the amount of materials used is relatively small. It is suitable for large-sized doors, such as community doors and villa garden doors.
(2) Solid door leaf type: the main method of solid door leaf type iron gate is to use a square tube as the gate frame, and then use iron plate as the bottom to make the whole door solid, and then use iron accessories to splice and inlay on the iron plate and in the frame. The performance of this solid door tends to be practical and safe, but the amount of materials used is relatively large, and the aesthetic aspect is not very prominent. It is more suitable for small-sized doors, such as private courtyard doors.
2、 Maintenance of iron gate
1. It is necessary to regularly remove dust. There is a lot of outdoor dust. Accumulated over time, a layer of floating dust will fall on the iron facilities. It will affect the color of iron art, and then lead to the damage of iron art protective film. Therefore, outdoor ironwork facilities should be wiped regularly, and soft software cotton fabric is generally preferred.
2. Pay attention to moisture. If it's just the general outdoor air humidity, you can rest assured of the rust resistance of iron facilities. In case of foggy weather, dry cotton cloth shall be used to wipe the beads on the iron work; In case of rain, the water shall be wiped off in time after the rain stops.
3. Keep away from acid and alkali. The iron gate is an iron product, which is prone to chemical reaction and corrosion in case of acid and alkali. If the iron gate is accidentally stained with acid and alkali products, clean the contaminated area with clean water and wipe it with dry cotton cloth.
The above is the classification knowledge of iron gate and the maintenance method of iron gate shared by the editor. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to know more about the classification of Tieyi gate and the introduction of maintenance methods of Tieyi gate, please continue to follow our website http://www.c6271.cn Yes, we will serve you wholeheartedly!
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