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  • 聯(lián)系人:濟(jì)南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
  • 手機(jī):15953126901
  • 電話:18615254757
  • 郵箱:785385551@qq.com
  • 地址:濟(jì)南市天橋區(qū)歷山北路黃臺(tái)不銹鋼市場(chǎng)3區(qū)317
當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè) > 新聞資訊>行業(yè)動(dòng)態(tài)鐵藝護(hù)欄刷漆的幾種手法


來源:http://www.c6271.cn 日期:2022-04-26 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):24
  After the completion of iron guardrail in order to prevent rust, will be painted, then what kinds of iron guardrail paint? The following small make up will explain to you.
  Spray, spray spray paint mist to the iron guardrail, so that attached to the surface of the iron guardrail. Shake, with the brush can be coated with the appropriate concentration of the effect of paint, control the speed and amplitude of brush to the surface of the iron fence, so that the paint drops on the surface of the iron fence to form a uniform effect.
  Besmear, brush with paint, in the surface of the iron guardrail reciprocating transport brush, forming a complete layer of paint film. Sweep, will be stained with the right amount of paint brush on the paint board reciprocating “rub” a few times, so that the brush in the iron guardrail surface “sweep”, to appear to be ground to reveal the true color effect.
  Outline, with effective green paint brush, along the ji 'nan iron guardrail grooves delineate similar vein and other foil color. Painting, the use of similar means of color painting, with a variety of similar to the real effect of color paint in the iron guardrail surface according to the expected effect painted paint of various colors.
  In addition, when purchasing materials, specifications and size samples should be made according to the actual situation, and a small amount of modification should be made to the samples. The next installation process can be handed over to the builder, and you can check it after the installation is completed. Such as Angle assembly is accurate, welding parts are complete, the overall installation is neat and coordinated. And so on.
  Several professional techniques of iron guardrail paint here, if you do not know the content of this can contact us www.c6271.cn, more information for your reference!
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