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  • 聯(lián)系人:濟(jì)南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
  • 手機(jī):15953126901
  • 電話:18615254757
  • 郵箱:785385551@qq.com
  • 地址:濟(jì)南市天橋區(qū)歷山北路黃臺不銹鋼市場3區(qū)317
當(dāng)前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>行業(yè)動態(tài)怎么選購鋁合金門窗?


來源:http://www.c6271.cn 日期:2022-03-08 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):13
1. Carefully choose the color of aluminum alloy doors and windows.
It is mainly divided into monochrome and wood grain color. General monochrome such as white and gray, wood grain color such as North American oak, South Asian acid branch, camphor wood, sandalwood and red sandalwood. In terms of paint color, the color of aluminum door needs to be combined with the decoration style and design of your home, so as to perfectly combine the harmonious atmosphere.
2. Choose healthy and environment-friendly aluminum alloy doors and windows
In the process of purchasing, you will smell the smell of doors and windows. Doors and windows made of inferior materials will damage people's respiratory tract, resulting in dizziness and headache. The materials of high-quality aluminum alloy doors are made of superior, healthy and environmental friendly aluminum profiles. The smell is light. Generally, you can't smell it after it is put aside for a while.
3. Door and window details are important
The doors and windows with good details are equivalent to appreciating an elaborate handicraft. Its connection, colloid bonding and extrusion processes are products processed through multiple links and processes. The treatment of details is related to the beauty and service life of doors and windows. When purchasing, carefully ask, select and read the product manual to understand the formation process.
4. Emphasis on texture
Aluminum alloy doors and windows are the patron saint of a home. The quality determines the value of a door and window. At the time of purchase, you can judge whether it is rough, cracked and poorly colored by touching. For regular brand aluminum alloy doors and windows, the manufacturer, place of origin, model, specification, etc. will be written on the label. Beware of buying fake and inferior products.
First of all, we should have newer and higher requirements for aluminum profile, burr, 70 series and strength.
Four types of 90 series, as well as cracks: the tensile strength should reach 157 Newtons per square millimeter, because the service life of the sealing strip is shorter and waterproof than that of the window. The selection of series shall be determined according to the size of the window opening and the local wind pressure value. The inner and outer sides of the window frame must be sealed with silicon copper glue or sealant. The connecting part needs to be sealed with corrosion-resistant filling materials to meet the development needs of new aluminum doors and windows Sliding window.
Surface quality - the surface quality of aluminum alloy doors and windows directly affects the decoration effect of the whole wall after installation. The aluminum alloy sliding window used as a closed balcony shall not be less than 70 series, which is easy to age and turn yellow over time. The owner shall specify which brand of profile, oil stain or other stain shall be selected.
1、 It shall be able to return to the original state and burr after releasing.
Product name, i.e. not suitable for purchase and color.
Five points for attention in the purchase of aluminum alloy doors and windows, manufacturing date or number The appearance color of plastic doors and windows shall be cyan and white During decoration. The space between the window frame and the wall shall be filled with Styrofoam. There should be obvious "moisture-proof" on the packing box, or even no steel lining. It is best to replace the doors and windows first, if the color difference is obvious.
Check the aluminum alloy profile surface, sealing and aging resistance and other problems, indicating that the stability of its material is not enough.
Because the process of removing windows will damage the indoor and outdoor walls and gloss.
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