
行業(yè)動(dòng)態(tài) dongnews
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  • 聯(lián)系人:濟(jì)南燕翔鐵藝制品有限公司
  • 手機(jī):15953126901
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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>行業(yè)動(dòng)態(tài)濟(jì)南鐵藝大門具有什么優(yōu)點(diǎn)?


來源:http://www.c6271.cn 日期:2022-02-24 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):13
Many villa decoration doors will choose iron doors. Compared with traditional wooden doors, iron doors are more durable and will not deform. Iron doors have good wind resistance and do not affect daylighting and ventilation. The iron gate can be maintained regularly by taking shares at ordinary times, which can effectively prolong its service life. Here are the unique advantages of iron gate!
1、 What are the characteristics of iron gate
1. A sense of security. Modern urban life has a tense rhythm, and people's life and work are separated. Security is becoming more and more important to people, and that's it. There is a growing demand for iron doors, small doors and expanded windows. While ensuring safety, ironwork will not affect ventilation and light transmission, and maintain a good vision.
2. Privacy. Now? Personal and private property is respected, and people are willing to maintain and protect their own rights. In this way, there are a large number of iron fences, indicating that this courtyard belongs to me. The green space in the yard, flowers and plants can be viewed by passers-by. To protect some green space. The iron guardrail installed for flowers and plants prevents people from trampling intentionally and unintentionally.
3. Decorative. An old-fashioned or even ugly building has a serious conflict with the environment. If you add an iron ribbon on the top, you can soften the sky, and a broken iron door can reduce the conflict between architecture and environment. It may enhance the style of the building. Whether historical or contemporary, a protective window, guardrail and gate may attract people to stop if there is a good pattern. The host may no longer have a strong sense of closure. Iron art realizes decoration on the basis of its practicability. Chinese iron gate
4. Display. Excellent ironwork contains expensive labor, and the application of ironwork means some wordless wealth. At present, the application of excellent ironwork is still very rare. The interest and discrimination in iron art itself shows an extraordinary interest, a return to history, a withering feeling in a foreign country or a different yearning.
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