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來源:http://www.c6271.cn 日期:2021-11-30 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):18
About the iron gate price has the high to have the low, the quality has the good to have the bad. Whether to look at the price or look at the material, here Jinan Yanxiang, on the iron gate price differences and product issues.
The cost of iron gate includes iron raw materials, manual processing, zinc plating, paint, transportation, taxes and other fixed costs. In addition to the fixed cost, the above are the impact of Jinan Tieyi Gate price differences.
Raw Materials of ironwork for Ironwork Gate
Steel Gate commonly used iron materials are hollow square pipe, hollow round pipe, solid square steel, solid flat iron, and so on, the choice of these raw materials will seriously affect the safety of iron gate, life and other issues. The General Iron Gate specifications are 2 ~ 3 meters high, but also have the responsibility and duties of the caretaker, so the safety issue is most important.

Therefore, in the choice of raw materials, simple craftsman masters are the best choice, so the formal iron gate manufacturers, in the choice of raw materials and use of investment will be doubled. The price difference between hollow tube and solid steel is more than 6 ~ 7 times, compared with some cheaper thin-walled steel tube, the price difference is more than ten times.
Galvanizing and Coating Selection Jinan Tieyi Gate galvanizing is an additional process, its role is to prevent rust, when the paint treatment can not see whether there is galvanizing treatment, no hot-dip galvanized door and oil-hot-dip galvanized door general service life in 20-30 years, and no hot-dip galvanized door. Some wrought-iron Gates have a life span of less than five years, thanks to the use of cheap paint.
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