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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁 > 新聞資訊>行業(yè)動態(tài)濟南鐵藝護欄選用防盜螺絲的要點


來源:http://www.c6271.cn 日期:2021-06-18 發(fā)布人: 瀏覽次數(shù):11
Jinan Tieyi guardrail is fixed by screws. Do you know what points you need to pay attention to when choosing anti-theft screws? Next, follow the iron guardrail manufacturers to understand it below, hope to help you.
In order to save cost, some manufacturers use inferior screws to assemble iron guardrail, which will inevitably cause great safety risks. Moreover, different accessories need to use different screws.
Wrought iron guardrail
For example, the fixed seat of drawing material is widely used in the market. The standard screw of the fixed seat is stainless steel riveting screw. The riveting screw is fixed with the pipe wall, and then the screw is twisted in. In this way, the installation is very stable, and the strength has also been tested by the national testing department.
In addition, the riveting covers the edge of the hole, so that the edge of the hole is not easy to rust. This was originally a good way of assembly, but now some iron guardrail manufacturers use self tapping screws to save costs. Self tapping screws must not be used in places where the main force is exerted. Why do we say this? Because zinc steel pipes are relatively thin, The self tapping screw can only test the thin pipe wall to support the force.
The front of the self tapping screw is small and the back is large, so it is easy to loose and fall off. Moreover, if the self tapping screw is directly penetrated into the galvanized pipe, it will damage the coating of the pipe, and the self tapping point is easy to rust. In this way, the strength of the self tapping screw is more checked. If the continuous strong force is received, the self tapping screw can't bear it.
But because the self tapping screw itself is cheap, and the installation is fast and convenient, it provides opportunities for many opportunists. This is the screw used for the drawing material fixing seat. There is also a three enclosure fixing part for the fence. The fixing part is made of stainless steel anti disassembly screw and inserted lock. In this way, no matter the strength is good, but also anti-theft.
There are also some other accessories. In fact, my personal suggestion is that no matter what accessories are, either use the anti disassembly screw or use the rivet screw. Minimize the use of self tapping screws. In this way, the strength and service life can be guaranteed.
Fence is to protect the safety of life. Safety, at least the strength can not protect the words, it is also called what guardrail, screw selection in the whole zinc steel balcony guardrail accessories is important.
Jinan Tieyi guardrail on the selection of anti-theft screw points related to the content of the end, I hope that Tieyi guardrail manufacturers to introduce these knowledge points can help you, want to know more details can be a lot of attention http://www.c6271.cn Website news.
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